twitterapi.compliance.compliance module Implementation of Twitter batch compliance.
“These batch compliance endpoints allow you to upload large datasets of Tweet or user IDs to retrieve their compliance status in order to determine what data requires action in order to bring your datasets into compliance. Please note, use of the batch compliance endpoints is restricted to aforementioned use cases, and any other purpose is prohibited and may result in enforcement action.” (Source:´)
Working with the batch compliance endpoints generally involves 5 steps:
Preparing the list of Tweet IDs or user IDs
Creating a compliance job
Uploading the list of Tweet IDs or user IDs
Checking the status of the compliance job
Downloading the results
More detailed information can be found at:
Creating a compliance job:
import os
os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
from sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance import create_compliance_job
from sparta.twitterapi.models.twitter_v2_spec import ComplianceJobType
compliancejobresponse = await create_compliance_job(ComplianceJobType.tweets, 'testjob')
if not
raise Exception()
compliancejob =
jobid =
uploadurl = compliancejob.upload_url
Uploading the list of Tweet IDs or user IDs:
import os
os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
from sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance import upload_ids
await upload_ids(uploadurl, "filename.txt")
Checking the status of the compliance job:
import os
os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
from sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance import list_job
from sparta.twitterapi.models.twitter_v2_spec import ComplianceJobStatus
async def check_job(jobid: str) -> bool:
compliancejobresponse = await list_job(jobid)
if not
raise Exception()
compliancejob =
if compliancejob.status == ComplianceJobStatus.complete:
return True
return False
await check_job(jobid)
Downloading the results:
import os
os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
from sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance import download_results, list_job
compliancejobresponse = await list_job(jobid)
if not
raise Exception()
compliancejob =
downloadurl = compliancejob.download_url
await download_results(downloadurl, 'results.txt')
- async sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance.create_compliance_job(type: ComplianceJobType, name: str, resumable: bool = False) CreateComplianceJobResponse
Creates a compliance job.
- Parameters:
type (str) – Type of Compliance Job to list. Possible values = tweets, users
name (str) – User-provided name for a compliance job.
resumable (bool) – If true, this endpoint will return a pre-signed URL with resumable uploads enabled.
- Raises:
Exception – Compliance Job can not be created due to an http error.
- Returns:
Returns an Twitter CreateComplianceJobResponse object.
- Return type:
- async sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance.download_results(download_url: AnyUrl, results_file_path: str) int
Downloads the results of a compliance job and saves them to a file.
- Parameters:
download_url (AnyUrl) – Download URL for a Jompliance Job
results_file_path (str) – File path where the results will be saved.
- Raises:
Exception – Results can not be fetched due to an http error.
Exception – Results can not be writen into the file.
- Returns:
Respone status.
- Return type:
- async sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance.list_job(id: str) Get2ComplianceJobsIdResponse
Returns a single Compliance Job by ID.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The ID of the Compliance Job to retrieve.
- Raises:
Exception – Compliance Job can not be fetched due to an http error.
- Returns:
Returns an Twitter Get2ComplianceJobsIdResponse object.
- Return type:
- async sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance.list_jobs(type: ComplianceJobType, status: ComplianceJobStatus | None = None) Get2ComplianceJobsResponse
Returns recent Compliance Jobs for a given job type and optional job status.
- Parameters:
type (str) – Type of Compliance Job to list. Possible values = tweets, users
status (str, optional) – Status of Compliance Job to list. Possible values = created, in_progress, failed, complete. Defaults to None.
- Raises:
Exception – Compliance Jobs can not be fetched due to an http error.
- Returns:
Returns an Twitter Get2ComplianceJobsResponse object.
- Return type:
- async sparta.twitterapi.compliance.compliance.upload_ids(upload_url: AnyUrl, ids_file_path: str) str
Uploads IDs for a compliance job.
- Parameters:
upload_url (AnyUrl) – Upload URL for a Compliance Job
ids_file_path (str) – File path where the results IDs are in. Plain text file newline separated.
- Raises:
Exception – IDs cannot uploaded due to an http error.
- Returns:
Response text
- Return type: