# SPARTA Twitter API       Welcome to the official GitHub repository for the [SPARTA](https://dtecbw.de/sparta) Twitter API, a powerful Python implementation to interact with Twitter's API v2 in a robust and efficient manner. ## ๐ Features - Methods for gathering tweets, users and more. - Asynchronous API calls support. - Efficient error handling and rate limit management. - Comprehensive documentation with usage examples. ## ๐ฆ Installation We recommend using [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/docs/) for managing the project dependencies. If you don't have Poetry installed, check their [official documentation](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation) for guidance. To install the SPARTA Twitter API via Poetry: ```bash poetry add sparta-twitterapi ``` or to install it via pip: ```bash pip3 install sparta-twitterapi ``` ## ๐ Quick Start Here's a simple example to get you started: ```python import os os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" from sparta.twitterapi.tweets.tweets import get_tweets_by_id async for tweet_response in get_tweets_by_id(['1511275800758300675', '1546866845180887040']): print(tweet_response.tweet) ``` For in-depth methods and examples, consult our [official documentation](https://unibwsparta.github.io/twitterapi/index.html). ## ๐ Development & Contribution Clone the Repo: ```bash git clone https://github.com/UnibwSparta/twitterapi.git cd twitterapi ``` Install Dependencies: ```bash poetry install ``` Submit Your Changes: Make your improvements and propose a Pull Request! ## ๐งช Testing Tests are powered by pytest. Execute tests with: ```bash poetry run pytest tests/ ``` ## โ Support & Feedback Issues? Feedback? Use the [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/UnibwSparta/twitterapi/issues). ## ๐ License MIT License. View [LICENSE](https://github.com/UnibwSparta/twitterapi/blob/main/LICENSE) for details. ## Create twitter spec Install datamodel-code-generator ```bash pip3 install datamodel-code-generator ``` ```bash datamodel-codegen --input openapi.json --input-file-type openapi --output model.py --output-model-type pydantic_v2.BaseModel --collapse-root-models --use-double-quotes ``` ## Project SPARTA SPARTA is an interdisciplinary research project at the UniBw M. The Chair of Political Science is responsible for managing the project. The project is funded by dtec.bw (Digitalization and Technology Research Center of the Bundeswehr). dtec.bw is funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.